I haven't written in so long. I've been pretty sick the last few weeks. I started Methotrexate 3 weeks ago, only on Saturday's. It has brought on some bad old side effects, which I'm beginning to believe is worse than this actual disease. Not really, but it sure ain't fun, let me tell you. I sure am blessed to have the Lord on my side. I sit sometime and wonder, 'what did I do before I was saved'? What purpose did I have? I thank HIM daily for his loving grace covering me and making me see HIM! Even through this trial. It's brought me even closer to HIM! Thank you Jesus!
And then last week I started steroids intravenously for 2 days to boost me for this weeks IVIG's; Intravenous Immuglobin. I started this on Tuesday and I have to say, it's only Wednesday and I do feel somewhat better. My feet are swollen from the steroids though and that makes my legs, back and feet hurt. I go through this week from 8:30am to 2:30pm. The Nurse, Josie, is so sweet and fun, and she sticks me the first time, which is always good. I talk with the other patients that are there and I'm learning more things about my disease, and theirs.
I missed 3 opportunities to witness already while doing these treatments. Today as I drove home I felt like Peter when he betrayed Jesus 3 times. But Jesus did come back and forgave him personally 3 times too, and I know HE forgives me, but I'm praying for boldness for the rest of these treatments.
Krista and Caden got to come over yesterday afternoon for a while and we just loved having them. The Easter Bunny came and left them candy and goodies. Caden had a game, but Krista stayed here for a while and her and Papa went and gathered 31 eggs! She loved that. Caden looked so cute in his uniform. I wonder how they did.
Miss Beckey got a job! Yahoo! I'm so happy for her! When she told Meghann that she was going to be substituting this week at the school in Marble Falls, Meggie said that she told her she was going to specifically pray that they would hire her this week. Pray for me Meggie, for you know what....!
I'm thinking of Brother Alton & Sister Betty Box and Lizzy and family tonight. I heard the surgery went well. We're praying for complete healing for you Brother Alton!
Also, I'm thinking of Reba. Bless her heart! She's dealing with so much right now! I'm praying she'll feel the Lord's Presence every moment and for complete healing.
I'm also thinking of my dear friend, Missy! One lady I truly admire. I'm praying for strength for you dear friend. Don't lose heart. Ask whatever you wish with great belief in your heart. God parted the Red Sea, THE RED SEA! HE will help you...'Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief'. I quote this Scripture all the time, say it aloud, and let ole satan hear you! I'll be praying for you and yours, and please don't hesitate to let me know if I can do something for you!
Joshua called us last night and he sounds so good ya'll! I'm so glad he went there! You can tell the change just in his voice. Thank you Heavenly Father!
My sister, Nick, is sick, so I've been thinking of her too. I'd like to make her some potato soup, but with doing these treatments, by the time I get home, I'm pretty tired. Maybe tomorrow I will. I hope she's better. I didn't talk with her today.
Well, guess that's all for now. Whoever reads this, please pray for me about smoking. I have cut down, but I need to go way down, and eventually quit. I must! It's so difficult. 'Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief'! See?